Fancy a go at Brazil’s top fantasy footy game Cartola FC – follow these tips to get you off to a flyer.
Cartola is a great game, but there are a few important things to remember, especially in the first few weeks:
Pick players whose transfer values are likely to rise. This super important in the first few weeks (see longer explanation below).
Pick players that play at home – more often than not they are more likely to get more points. Home advantage is a big deal in Brazil
Pick players that shoot a lot – they get points for shots, even when they are not on target.
Pick players that get fouled a lot – points for that too.
Join the Brazilfooty league. When you’re in the game, search for Brazilfooty under the ‘Competiçíµes‘ tab.
Have fun and good luck!
What is Cartola FC and how does it work?
Cartola FC is similar to most other fantasy football games – except it is in Brazil, in Portuguese and in some ways it is better than those in England. The major difference is that players don’t just get points for goals and assists and clean sheets, they get points for things that reflect their general performance (like how many tackles they make, how many shots they have and how often they get fouled).
You can select your formation, you have a limited budget and players get points based on their real life performances. One of the key differences to other games is that you can change you entire squad every week. There are also big changes in the valuations of each player, based on their points. If you select a player and his value goes up, you get the money. If one of your players value goes down while you have him, you lose. The swings are quite large, and much larger than other fantasy games so watch out. One of the key tips then is in the first few weeks to select undervalued players, who are likely to play, in the expectation that their values go up. That will set you up nicely (with lots of cash) for the rest of the season. In week two, select guys who did well in week one, since their value is likely to rise in week two (valuations are based on average ratings over a few weeks and won’t move that much based on the first week’s performance).
Video explaining the whole thing (in Portuguese)
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